來自荷蘭的Siebe週間是一名木匠,在閒暇之虞成立了De Vetpan Studios有了另一個身分攝影師。
好啊,我叫做Siebe Warmoeskerken,我在荷蘭Bergen op Zoom中長大,靠近比利時的一個小城市。我平常是一個木匠,利用週一到週五的時間做做櫥櫃、桌子、椅子,還有其他一切可以用木頭做出來得東西。週末或者是下班後,我幾乎都忙著拍照和編輯照片,然後透過我自己的品牌De Vetpan Studios發行我自己的作品。
很簡單,只要你到google上面輸入De Vetpan Studios,你就會找到超過25,000筆的資料。但是我只有透過一些管道來發佈我的作品,下面這些就是可以找到我的方法。
Personal website: http://devetpan.com
Flickr stream (most recent work): http://flickr.com/photos/swarmoeskerken
Twitter: http://twitter.com/Vetpan
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/people/Siebe-Warmoeskerken/1301397017
Etsy: http://www.etsy.com/shop/devetpan
NIKON D700 body
NIKON MB-D10 battery grip
NIKKOR 85mm f/1.4D AF
NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G AF-S
VELBON Sherpa 600R Tripod
Lastolite 32Inch reflection screens
#1 Grooveshark.com, the perfect background for a great workflow
#2 Flickr.com, it’s that one page that I visit more than 20x times a day to publish my work, watch my flickr friends and write comments.
#3 Engadget.com, just to keep up to date with the latest “geeky” news
#4 Kwerfeldein.de, German photography blog with interesting topics
#5 Dpreview.com, just to keep up to date with photography reviews and test
Hello Siebe, Let’s start with the usual. Please tell us about yourself to MyDesy readers.
Well my name is Siebe Warmoeskerken born and raised in Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands (a small city near Belgium). In my daily life I’m a full time woodworker making kitchens, cabinets, tables, chairs and anything else made out of wood. In the weekends and after work I’m most of the time busy with photography and photo editing and publish them under my own brand “De Vetpan Studios”
Where Can we find you (Twitter/Site/Blog/….)
Mhhh you can find me pretty much everywhere google my name or “De Vetpan Studios” and you’ll find +25.000 easily. But i’ve got a few places as a sort of “base” to publish my work + news feeds.. here we go!
Out of all your work what is your favorite piece and why?
Ahw thats a hard question, to be honest I love all the work I published on the web over the last years. I’ve captured many photos but only the best of the best will make it to my flickr stream and website. so every photo in my stream is my favorite.. but when I have to pick one it will always be the latest addition :))
What is the key element in your work?
Bokeh & Creamy soft color tones, thats the one thing that you’ll always be able to find in my photo’s. I found my own “sweet spot” Though the years by experimenting with different processing tones and the softness of bokeh.
Could you describe for us your typical 'start to finish' workflow when working on a design?
Pfew seriously? that will take more than an hour to write that down.. Most of the time I start by reviewing my captured footage. I pick only the ones that I really like to see processed and convert them to TIF files.. after the conversion the magic happens, I really have no specific workflow for that it all depends on the photo, adding contrast, blending different photos, merging processing layers..
How does your job as an photographer influence your life? Do you feel that you see things around you differently for example?
Ohw yes I walk with crossed eyes every second of the day just to see bokeh everywhere hihi!, Nah just kidding normally I don’t see things different than others around me I just know how to capture them in a interesting way..
The photography self has no really influence in my daily life from mondays till fridays I’m a woodworker and in the weekends I’m sort of a photographer.
What makes you to want to take pictures and do you see yourself doing more of this kind of work? What drives you to be a photographer?
It’s that one thing that I love to do and gives me freedom to do whatever I want without failure..
What are your tools of the trade, both hardware and software?
My tools of trade? well most people aspect a list of +100 items but no I’ve got only a few things to play with :)
These or my tools:
NIKON D700 body
NIKON MB-D10 battery grip
NIKKOR 85mm f/1.4D AF
NIKKOR 50mm f/1.4G AF-S
VELBON Sherpa 600R Tripod
Lastolite 32Inch reflection screens
What are your plans for the future?
I’ve planned to quit my job after 5 years so that means I’ll switch jobs in about 3 years.. I’d love to live from what I love to do most and that will be photography so you can aspect more from my photography side in the future!
Any creative work coming up, or that you're currently working on, that you're excited about?
Nope nothing is on the line.. I haven’t touched my camera last month and I think that it will take another one before I start making new photos. the weather is horrible lately and there is just no color and happiness in the nature and cities these days.
To what extent does photography feel like play, and when does it feel like work?
When I’m busy with photography it always feels like I’m in a candy shop, it never feels like work because I don’t force myself to shoot an amount of photos. Sometimes I get up at 6am to shoot, when I come back without having anything captured it just happened to be so.
What do you do to keep things fun?
Vacations? hah thats what I like most. going on a trip with my cousin and his wife to relax and enjoy photography.
What are your favorite 5 websites, and why?
Mhhh I’ve got many favorites but If I have to choose five it will be these ones..
#1 Grooveshark.com, the perfect background for a great workflow
#2 Flickr.com, it’s that one page that I visit more than 20x times a day to publish my work, watch my flickr friends and write comments.
#3 Engadget.com, just to keep up to date with the latest “geeky” news
#4 Kwerfeldein.de, German photography blog with interesting topics
#5 Dpreview.com, just to keep up to date with photography reviews and test
Once again , thank you very much for the interview. As a final word, do you have any tips for upcoming artists and designers?
Be yourself, be unique and love your life.. Don’t force yourself to take photos but go with the flow.