




大家好,我是Alex Gaidouk。我是住在紐約布魯克林區的俄國攝影師。




我的網站 或者是Fllickr









我就讀於紐澳良的Liberal Arts School。我在那裡開始我的攝影生涯,我想那時候我想要成為一個攝影師。我在那裡從來沒有上過任何一堂攝影課,因為當時的課表實在是沒有一個適當的時間可以讓我去選修,另外就是我不希望整天都待在學校等著下一堂課的到來。



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我想是一隻秋田犬吧!這張照片是我去年十一月去Rockaway Beach拍攝的。我很喜歡這張照片的感覺,一隻狗站在霧裡面的感覺。當我拍完照之後,那隻狗開始向我跑來然後跑到我身邊來舔我的手,一直到我把手收回來牠才停止。牠真的好可愛,我希望有一天能夠有一隻像這樣的狗。





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現在,我用Nikon D700拍攝。我也有Mamiya 7,不過因為很多原因讓我不太使用它,例如說處理底片的成本,希望這以後不會再是個問題。軟體的話,我則是使用Adobe Lightroom 和 Photoshop處理我的日常工作。


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這對我來說是一個非常理想的生活,至少目前的我是這樣覺得。在動身出發去旅遊之前,我一定會先把我的設備升級,我希望能夠擁有Sinar 4x5 還有一些鏡頭給我的D700。 現在,我正慢慢地在拍攝紐澳良的一些地方,我已經在這裡3個禮拜了,我還有很多照片要拍。

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Hello Alex, Please introduce yourself to MyDesy readers.

Hello. My name is Alex Gaidouk. I'm a Russian-born photographer living in Brooklyn, New York.

Where Can we find you (Twitter/Site/Blog/….)

My website is However, I usually post new work on flickr ( before it gets sorted and placed on my website.

How did you get started in the field? How long have you been photographer?

I picked up photography as a hobby in 2004, while living in Louisiana. It was around that time that I also got into urban exploration, so I began to document my adventures with my camera and it grew from there. Soon I became less interested in shooting abandoned buildings and drawn more to other types of scenes. Don't get me wrong, abandoned buildings are still very fun to explore, but they don't make for very interesting subject matter a lot of the time. Photography was my beloved hobby while I was in college. After graduating in late 2008, I came to New York, and at the time I didn't really know what I wanted to do with myself. I never even thought about pursuing photography, though, because I didn't have very much confidence in myself. Luckily, there was a person who believed in me and gave me the encouragement I needed to take the right steps which led me to where I am now. I'm very thankful for that. I would probably be doing something completely different now if not for her.

Did you attend a traditional design school or study by yourself? What was your first photo related job?

I attended a liberal arts school in New Orleans. I studied film there, I think at the time I wanted to become a cinematographer. I didn't take a single photography class while there because they were all at odd hours and didn't really fit in with my schedule, and I didn't want to hang around campus for hours, waiting. My first photo related job was when I moved to New York; I worked at a photo lab/retouching house for a very short time. My job was to scan negatives on a drum scanner and make prints with both inkjet and lightjet printers.

Out of all your work what is your favorite piece and why?

Right now I would say it's this one, It's an akita inu I encountered on my visit to Rockaway Beach last November. I really like the mood of it... A lone dog in the fog. Right after I took that shot, he started running toward me, and when he reached me, he licked my hand until I pulled it away. He was so sweet. I want a dog like him one day.

Do you ever get stuck with creativity block? What would you do to get out of it?

Sure, I think it happens to everyone at some point. I've found that the best solution is to just try and not think about it. Put your focus toward other things for a while, and your creativity will come back on its own. The worst thing you can do is to try and force it. Doing that is a surefire way to produce inferior work. I think that principle can be applied to many other problems in life. A lot of times it's best to just take the hands-off approach.

What is the main concept and key element in your work?

To be honest, I'm not very sure what that is today. I think I'm in the process of an evolutionary change. Before, my answer would have been "simplicity". I don't like to clutter the frame with useless things, however, lately, I feel like my vision's been changing. Whether it's for better or worse, I don't know, but I sometimes wonder if I would have taken the same photos today that I shot years ago. I still think my compositions are generally pretty minimal, but I've found myself to be including people more and more in my photos, something I subconsciously avoided before.

What stimulate your creative idea?

The weather. I almost always feel like shooting, but I'm very picky about the sky and light since I almost always shoot outside. I generally like to shoot on hazy/overcast days, so looking out of my window and seeing  a flat grey sky is definitely stimulating. My absolute favorite condition to shoot in is fog, however. It's a pity that foggy days/nights are so rare in NYC. Movies also stimulate me. I'm very much into obscure cinema of the 80s and a lot of the imagery from that is inspirational to me.

What makes you to want to take a photograph? What drives you to be a photographer?

It can be a number of things; shapes, textures, light; these are all things that draw me in for various reasons. The overall mood is also a big factor. For instance, if I see a busy supermarket parking lot on a sunny afternoon, I will walk right by and not give it a second look, however, if I see that same parking lot completely empty on a grey Sunday morning, I will definitely stop and shoot it. As for what drives me... I guess to put it simply, it's just a passion I have. To tell the truth, I'd be pretty devastated if I walked by that empty parking lot and didn't have my camera with me, so maybe what drives me is not wanting to feel that devastation.

What photographic equipment and any applications do you use to create your works ?

Right now I shoot with a Nikon D700. I also have a Mamiya 7 which I sadly don't use due to various circumstances, like the cost of processing film. Hopefully that won't be a problem for much longer, though. As for software, I use Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop in my daily workflow.

What are your plans for the future? Any creative work coming up, or that you're currently working on, that you're excited about?

I plan on working and saving money for a while. Once I get enough saved up, I would like to travel around Europe and Asia, of course I'd be shooting a lot then! I also hope to fall in love with a city or area on my travels, and maybe move there for a while, work on a farm or as a lumberjack or something simple like that, and go shoot in my free time. That would be the ideal life for me, at least right now. I'd also like to get some better photo equipment before setting off for my travels. Ideally, I'd like to get a Sinar 4x5 system and a couple of better lenses for my D700.     
Right now I'm just slowly working on photos from my recent visit to New Orleans, Louisiana. I was there for 3 weeks, so naturally I have a lot of photos to go through.

How do you come up with a balance between commercial products and more personal projects?

I actually haven't done any commercial work. I've been strictly working on personal projects. That's not to say I wouldn't be interested if someone approached me with an interesting idea, it just hasn't happened yet.

Who do you admire most? Why?

I admire anyone who has a real passion for their work, even if they don't make a lot of money with it.

To what extent does photography feel like play, and when does it feel like work? What do you do to keep things fun? 

I think photography is equally fun and serious for me. When I shoot, I like to just walk around and look at things, make observations, and capture them with my camera--that part of the process is very fun for me. However, I take a serious approach in regards to the post processing. That's not to say it's a really involved process that I put a lot of thought into, I just don't think you can have fun looking at a computer screen for hours (which is why I always end up getting distracted.)

Thanks for the interview Alex! Is there any advice that you'd like to give aspiring photographer and designers who are working hard to grow professionally?

I feel like I need some kind of advice myself! Well, I would say just keep at it and never stop doing what you love. If you are passionate enough and your work reflects that, you'll get noticed eventually. I firmly believe that.

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