就像大多數的插畫家一樣,我們從會拿鉛筆的那天就開始畫畫。我們兩個都學視覺設計,然後後來去學校學插畫,我們就是在那裏認識的。在2004年從學校畢業後我們就開始經營Loulou & Tummie了,到現在已經六年囉。
• Hello Loulou & Tummie, really thank you for taking time to provide this interview. Please introduce yourself to MyDesy readers. How did you get started in the field? How long have you been illustrating?
- Hiya! We're two illustrators living and working together in Tilburg, a small city in the Netherlands. Loulou likes robots, monsters and buildings and Tummie loves flowers, cakes and cute critters.
Like most illustrators we've been drawing since the day we could hold a pencil. We both studied graphic design and after that went to art academy to study illustration (which is where we met :)
After finishing art academy in 2004 we started Loulou & Tummie, so that's six years ago now.
•When did you feel the calling to get into design and illustration first time? Did you attend a traditional design school or study by yourself? We would also like to know about your first design job.
As a kid we liked the illustrations on packaging and advertisements and figured it would be fun to earn a living like that... but never really thought further about it. As teenagers we chose to study graphic design and drawing was 'just' a hobby. Eventually, when we got our degree in graphic design we went to art academy to study illustration because our 'hobby' appealed more to us then graphic design :)
We got our first paid jobs when we were still in art academy: Loulou created editorial illustrations for a Dutch magazine (we still illustrate for that same magazine on a regular basis by the way) and Tummie designed a poster for FNV (the Dutch trade union.) We both rather not show what we created back then :)
然後我們把素描掃描進去到Adobe Illustrator裡面,並且開始為素描加上一些其他的顏色,有時候我們會把原先選好的所有顏色換掉 。當我們完成之後,我們通常會把圖在做些微調,直到我們自己(當然還有客戶)感到快樂為止。
•Could you describe your typical workflow for an illustration? How long does it take to complete some of your complex illustrations?
-Most single-page illustrations take one or two days and sometimes the more complex designs take a bit longer but no more then 25 hours I guess.
We always start off with a simple pencil sketch. We make a few quick scribbles to get the idea and a rough composition on paper. Not always but when necessary we rework a scribble into a bigger and clearer sketch.
We scan the sketch and import it into Adobe Illustrator. From there we basically trace the sketch and give it some color on the go. Sometimes we shift all the colors while working and other times we choose the colors on forehand. While finalizing we often change the layout a little bit and make small adjustments to the design until we (and the client :) are happy with it.
That's all, there's not much to it really!
•Do you ever get stuck with creativity block? What would you do to get out of it?
-Yes, we certainly get stuck every now and then. Sometimes you just can't come up with a proper idea... but when the idea is there the sketch usually comes quite easily. When we have no inspiration we drown our sorrow browsing the internet. :) Leaving our studio for a stroll with our dog and get some fresh air works too. Sometimes, when you don't expect it something somewhere triggers an idea. It can be anything, it's hard to control.
But we also have bad days when nothing seems to come out of our hands and lie awake at night trying to think of something. On those days it's probably best to just go out for a drink or a nice meal :)
我們喜歡畫些色彩豐富的角色 。我們喜歡機器人、城市、花朵、橫幅廣告和可愛的東西,所以我想這就是我們創作的主要元素了。
•What is the main concept and key element in your work?
-We like to draw characters and usually make colorful designs. We love robots, cities, flowers, banners and cuteness so that might be key elements in our work.
•What is your typical day like? What do you think about first while you’re working?
-We get up (not too early, we like to take our time in the morning :), feed our dog and take him for a walk. We have breakfast while reading our emails and fresh up. Our studio is not far from our home so depending on the weather we walk, go on our bikes or hop in our car to head over there. Then, when we arrive around 10-ish we usually start off answering emails, check websites and procrastinate for an hour or so :)
Around noon we have lunch together with two other creative studios who work in the same building and it's time to walk our dog again. From then on it's hard work and around 7 or 8 we go home where Tummie cooks a great meal and the dog gets dinner too. Then watch tv or a dvd, play games, surf the internet, go out for a drink or when we're really busy we work some more on the laptop.
After midnight we walk the dog once more and go to bed and read comics or books or watch comedy series on our laptop until we fall asleep!
你可以說明一下你的工作流程嗎? 是甚麼讓你們想要畫插畫的,你們有發現從裡面看到自己可以做得更多嗎?
•Could you describe your workflow? What makes you two want to illustrate and do you see yourself doing more of this kind of work? What drives you to be an illustrator?
-We love our job and being independent is great (so we can get up late :) Every now and then we get new exciting projects to work on so we keep facing challenges. One day working on a small editorial and the next painting a mural or designing a life-size plastic robot, sewing pluche dolls, crafting papertoys, draw for packaging or games or participate in an exhibition and every time we try to get the most out of it and improve our skills and style.
So, yes, we'd love to keep on illustrating for the rest of our lives!
•How do you come up with a balance between commercial products and more personal projects?
-We don't really think about it, we work on commercial projects most of the time and every bit of spare time we have we try to work on personal stuff.
•How does your job as an illustrator influence your life? Do you feel that you see things around you differently for example?
-Our work and personal lives blend together all the time, especially since we live together as well. We're thinking and talking about illustration and design 24 hours a day, for us it's almost impossible to keep work and social life separated but that's not a problem. We like it, perhaps we're even addicted :)
We both look at everything we see and do from a design perspective but I think that is something all designers do.
我們主要使用Adobe Illustrator來做插畫,但是通常都用鉛筆和紙開始。當然,我們還使用刀片和膠水來做紙玩具,還有縫紉機來做些布玩偶。
•What is it about the vector medium that fascinates you? What tools and applications do you use to create your vector arts?
-Using vectors gives us the control to make everything exactly the way we want it. You can keep on changing every point, curve and color until it's perfect. We like that aspect but that is also why it's refreshing to sometimes paint a mural or sew a plushe toy where there's less control.
We mainly use Adobe Illustrator for illustrations but always start off with pencil and paper. And of course we use paper, craftingknive and glue to make papertoys and felt and a sewing machine for the plushe toys and canvasses.
我們現在正在做一個真人大小的塑膠玩具,這是我們為了Graphic Design Festival Breda所設計的。那個玩具會被生產成超小的尺寸,然後我們會把它變成每一個我們喜歡的荷蘭設計師。我們現在也正在進行一個大型的國際專案,裡面有上百個角色,不過現在我們不能跟你說太多。
•What are your plans for the future? Any creative work coming up, or that you're currently working on, that you're excited about? What can we expect from you over on Vectips this coming year? To what extent does illustrating feel like play, and when does it feel like work? What do you do to keep things fun?
-We don't make or have real plans, we just dive in the projects that come our way. We'd love to just keep on doing what we're doing now and hopefully exciting opportunities will keep on turning up.
We try to come up with new things whenever we can. We don't like to repeat what we've already done which keeps it fun for us. Commercial work often feels like play too but not always. It really depends on each project and often the time we get to finish it, when a deadlines is nearing it often feels more like working :)
At the moment we're working on life-size plastic toys that we designed for Graphic Design Festival Breda which are being produced on a very small scale and will be customized by Dutch designers we like. We're also working on a big international project that involves hundreds of digital characters but we can't say much about that at the moment.
•What's been your most challenging project so far in your career? What was challenging about it? And how did you overcome those challenges?
-Last year we created a big house out of felt and a 3 meter high papertoy for an exhibition in Rotterdam. That was much more work than we thought and we ran into many problems because we never worked on such scale. But, eventually we solved all problems and managed to finish it in time by trial and error and hard work... and luckily it turned out pretty cool too :)
•Thanks for the interview Loulou & Tummie! Is there any advice that you'd like to give aspiring illustrators and designers who are working hard to grow professionally?
-Make lot's of work, try to find your own style, be critical on your own work and show the world what you do, upload it on websites like flickr.com or whatever you like best!